We have places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Please contact us and book an appointment to see the setting.

Curriculum Information


Mission Statement – ‘Together in Faith Working as One’

Curriculum Intent

We develop responsible, resilient, respectful pupils who value themselves, others and their learning.

We aim for our children to be happy, inquisitive, reflective and ambitious individuals who can become lifelong learners ready for the next stage of their ‘journey’.

Our curriculum is CLEAR:-

  • Challenging – lessons are stimulating and provide opportunities for children to ‘grapple’ with concepts, utilising opportunities for regular lesson enhancements.
  • Language rich– staff promote, develop and encourage high quality talk for learning so that all pupils can express themselves and communicate clearly and effectively in a wide range of situations.
  • Encouraging – staff promote resilience through the development of a growth mindset and ‘the power of yet’.
  • Aspirational – staff have high expectations and the children dare to take risks and dream.
  • Reflective – children are encouraged to consider their role in making our world a better place. ‘LIVE WISELY, THINK DEEPLY AND LOVE GENEROUSLY ‘– (Pope Francis Laudato Si)

Curriculum Implementation

Our intent will be achieved through:-

  • The Catholic Ethos and values of the school are embedded throughout all learning in an inclusive, safe and loving environment.
  • The health and well- being of all pupils is of paramount importance. Therefore, dedicated curriculum time is given to our Pastoral Care provision. Children with more complex needs are given weekly one-to-one sessions through Caritas.
  • Sequences of carefully planned and well taught lessons are matched effectively to subject intents and overviews.
  • Progress is driven by consistent consideration and evaluation of the intent-implementation-impact cycle which ensures that all pupils can access and are included in the curriculum offer.
  • The curriculum is inclusive. Staff plan for all learning styles, providing engaging sessions and creating opportunities for collaborative tasks.
  • Lessons are rooted in question hooks.
  • Revision and review time within lesson time to allow for the solid retention and consolidation of subject knowledge.
  • Opportunities are provided to allow our pupils to grow into positive, responsible, caring citizens.

Curriculum Impact

Our children will develop socially, morally, spiritually, culturally and academically, with the Gospel Values at the heart of everything. Ongoing formative assessment and termly summative assessments help to inform teachers of the impact of their teaching. This informs the intent for the next session and so the implementation impact cycle continues every day in all that we do. The ultimate impact of our curriculum intent and implementation will be in the development of our happy, inquisitive, reflective and ambitious pupils who are prepared for the next stage of their journey as responsible, resilient and respectful members of society.